Economics - monopoly

  • Created by: TDoug05
  • Created on: 06-02-23 11:48
charecterisitics of monoply
single seller, price maker, high barriers entry/exit, unique product, potential for price discrimination, abnormal profit in the long run
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disadvantages of monoply (prices)
monoply firms set higher prices compared to competitive mkt, earning abnormal profit
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disadvantages of monoply (consumer)
due to higher prices there is a loss of consumer surplus
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disadvantages of monoply (efficiency)
monopolies are allocatively inefficient, P>MC, leads to DWL
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disadvantages of monopoly (p.effieciency)
monopolies are productively inefficient, output does not occur at lowest point on AC curve
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disadvantages of monopoly (x-efficiency)
monopolistic firms x-inefficient, less incentive to cut costs due to lack of competition
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disadvantages monopoly (profit)
earns abnormal profit leads to uneven distribution of income
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disadvantages of monopoly (mkt power)
huge market power, may use this to pay their suppliers less, e.g. costa coffee pay farmers ver little
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disadvantages of monopoly (low competition)
less incentive to invest innovate, consumers may face less choice
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Advantages of monopoly (Eco of scale)
monopolisitic firms able to take advantage of EOS, enable firms to produce at lower AC
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Advantage of monopoly (dynamic efficiency)
greater investment in R&D means more effcicent production, more choice for conusmers
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Advantages of monopoly (Joesph Schumpeter)
trade off between efficiency today and efficiency tommorow
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Advantages of monopoly (Global markets)
allows firms to compete more effectively with larger foreign firms in global markets, benefits domestic economy
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evaluation of monopoly (industry)
dependent on the industry, in some industries a monopoly can't exist
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evaluation of monopoly (r+d)
some industries needs increase in r+d, therefore monopoly needed
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evaluation of monopoly (govt regulation)
govt may be able to regulate monopoly to gain EOS, without higher prices
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


monoply firms set higher prices compared to competitive mkt, earning abnormal profit


disadvantages of monoply (prices)

Card 3


due to higher prices there is a loss of consumer surplus


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


monopolies are allocatively inefficient, P>MC, leads to DWL


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


monopolies are productively inefficient, output does not occur at lowest point on AC curve


Preview of the back of card 5
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