Economics keyword crossword Revision crossword for the entire short course GCSE Economics course 0.0 / 5 ? EconomicsMoneyWorkNational and Global EconomyGCSEAQA Created by: Kieren AlmondCreated on: 07-04-14 13:07 A professional who can help with budgeting and saving Financial advisor 1 of 9 The process of trying to beat others in business Competition 2 of 9 A reason, apart from pay, why people work Job satisfaction 3 of 9 Where each worker concentrates on only one small aspect of the entire production process Specialisation 4 of 9 The difference between the value of all of a country's exports and its imports Balance of payments 5 of 9 The UK department that helps to manage Britain's aid to poorer countries DFID 6 of 9 The ability of workers to change between jobs Mobility of labour 7 of 9 Lowest legal hourly rate that can be paid Minimum wage 8 of 9 The 'rights' and 'wrongs' of an issue Ethics 9 of 9
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