economics unit 11 chapter 1

  • Created by: shomouk
  • Created on: 16-05-14 12:19
factors that effect spending
1.income level 3.loyalty and advertisements 4.price of substitutes
1 of 17
factors affecting supply and how much businesses charge
1.cost of raw material 2.wage rates 3.productivity of the
2 of 17
why do market prices change ?
1. (consumers )willing to spend 2.(businesses) need to cover costs and demand
3 of 17
how do businesses compete
1.advertising and branding 2.improving quality 3.chaning the design and features 4.lowering the price by improving production methods
4 of 17
consumers benefit from competition
1.high quality 2.low prices 3.greater variety
5 of 17
consumers disadvantage of competition
1.low quality 2.bad after sales service
6 of 17
why do people save
1.for emergency 2.for a big event or object 3.for retirement
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methods of saving
1.high street banks 2.internet banks 3.national savings office card account
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different types of saving accounts
1.savings accounts 2.ISA accounts 3.Unit trusts 4.National savings and investments account
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how to compare savings accounts
1.reward 2.risk 3.ease of withdrawing money
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riskier but potentially higher-return methods
1.shares 1.unit trusts 3.government securities
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why do people people make large purchases 2.can repaid over a period of time 3.if there are no savings for essentials
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methods of borrowing card card 4.personal loan 5.hire purchase 6.overfraft
13 of 17
why financial planning
so you wont over spend and fall in debt
14 of 17
benefits of budgeting
1.dont over spend 2.can save for later use back all debts efficiently
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ethical issues to do with saving
banks use peoples savings to finance their lending -save with the one offering highest reward or the one with ethical lending policy ......shares to put in a ethical company or polluting and child labour one
16 of 17
ethical issues to do with borrowing
1.will you be able to repay 2.from who to borrow
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


factors affecting supply and how much businesses charge


1.cost of raw material 2.wage rates 3.productivity of the

Card 3


why do market prices change ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how do businesses compete


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


consumers benefit from competition


Preview of the front of card 5
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