Ecosystems and extreme environments 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyEcosystemsGCSEAQA Created by: 15changjCreated on: 30-03-19 13:25 Living things in an ecosystem Biotic factor 1 of 8 Hottest environment Desert 2 of 8 Largest ecosystem Biome 3 of 8 Has 4 layers Tropical rainforest 4 of 8 Highest layer in a tropical rainforest Emergent 5 of 8 An animal that has strong limbs to climb from tree to tree in the tropical rainforest Spider monkey 6 of 8 Woody vines that climb up trees to get to the canopy layer Lianas 7 of 8 The colour of the soil in a tropical rainforest Red 8 of 8
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