PARTS OF AN ECOSYSTEM 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyEcosystemsGCSEAQA Created by: hanamiebCreated on: 03-01-15 13:34 What is an ecosystem? A unit that includes all the non-livings parts and the living parts in an area 1 of 8 What can the 3 types of organism in an ecosystem be classed as? producer, decomposer, consumer 2 of 8 what is a producer? an organism that uses sunlight energy to produce food 3 of 8 what is a consumer? an organism that gets energy by eating other organisms (producers or other consumers) 4 of 8 what is a decomposer? an organism that gets its energy by breaking down dead material 5 of 8 what is a food chain a food chain is a way of showing 'what eats what' 6 of 8 what is a food web a collection of overlapping food chains 7 of 8 what is the nutrient cycle the transfer of nutrients within an ecosystem 8 of 8
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