Ecotourism is a type of sustainable development that encourages visitors to a country to leave a small carbon footprint, to the benefit of local communities and environments
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What is Sustainble development?
Development that does not harm people/the environment
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Whats one approach that ecotourism follows?
Ensuring that tourism does not exploit the natural environment or local communities
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Whats one approach that ecotourism follows?
Consultation with local communities on planned developments.
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Whats one approach that ecotourism follows?
Making sure that infrastructure improvements benefit local people and not just tourists.
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Whats are the guidelines for ecotourists? Name three
Protect the environment, Don't interfere with wildlife , Protect resources, Support local communities, Eat local food and drink and Respect local customs and traditions
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Card 2
What is Sustainble development?
Development that does not harm people/the environment
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