Edexcel Business 1.1

A person who starts a business
1 of 16
Any business activity
2 of 16
How might new business idea might develop?
Changes in technology, original ideas, new technology, adapting existing products, products becoming obsolete, changes in customer needs,
3 of 16
Doing business over the internet
4 of 16
Doing business using an app
5 of 16
Payment platform
A method of allowing customers to pay online e.g. PayPal
6 of 16
Online marketplace
Describes the online business environment where may sellers can trade their products
7 of 16
What are the main business risks for an entrepreneur
Financial loss, loss of security, business failure
8 of 16
Start-up captial
Money needed to start the business
9 of 16
The rewards of being in business
Profit, business success, independence
10 of 16
People or groups with an interest in what the business is doing
11 of 16
What is added value?
The process of adding something to the inputs to give the product or service greater value.
12 of 16
What are the main customer needs?
Price, choice, quality and convenience
13 of 16
Unique selling point
14 of 16
Brand loyalty
Where customers return to the same product or firm because they like it
15 of 16
Why does the Government encourage competition between firms?
Because it means customers have more choice and that there are a range of prices of different products on the market.
16 of 16

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Card 2


Any business activity



Card 3


Changes in technology, original ideas, new technology, adapting existing products, products becoming obsolete, changes in customer needs,


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Card 4


Doing business over the internet


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Card 5


Doing business using an app


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