Name each member and say what they did (this isn't too important)
1)Freddie Mercury- lead vocals, piano, backing vocals. 2)Brian may- lead guitar, backing vocals 3) Rodger Taylor- drums, backing vocals 4) John Deacon- Bass guitar
3 of 28
What album does Killer queen come from?
The third album- Sheer heart attack
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What structure does Killer Queen have?
Verse- chorus with a few variations: intro, v1, chorus, bridge, guitar interlude, v2, chorus, guitar solo, v3, chorus, bridge, outro
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What was written first? The melody or the words?
The words
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Describe the word setting
syllabic with short note lengths to fit all the words in
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What is the song about?
A well connected upper class woman
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What does the intro consist of?
six clicks
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Then what happens?
solo vocalist comes in on last click. then instrumentation builds up.
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In what order does the instrumentation build up
piano, guitar, drums and bass guitar then backing vocals
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What does the outro consist of?
Instrumental fade out
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how many parts are there in the backing vocals
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What is the texture between the vocal line and the backing vocals
call and response
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What key is killer queen in?
E flat major
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what keys do verses one and two start on
C minor ( relative minor)
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what time signatures does this piece contain
12/8 and 6/8 for one bar each time
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What is the effect of using compound time
swung feel
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Does it have a weak pulse?
No it has a strong rhythmic pulse
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What establishes the rhythm in the opening?
The clicks
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What is layering?
when one part is recorded onto another (can be more than two)
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Where is layering used?
During the guitar solo, vocal parts (laser beam, wanna try)
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What guitar techniques are used in the guitar solo
string bending, sliding.
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What vocal technique does Freddy use every time he sings killer queen.
a portamento
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What is a portamento
Basically a slide.
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Exam style question!
good luck :)
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Describe the accompaniment during the verse and chorus. (4 marks)
(Any four of these) 1) light instrumental accompaniment 2) short piano chords, mini guitar fills between lines, drum roll and bell 3) 4 part harmony in the second half of the verse 4) backing vocals mainly sing ooh and ahh but on occasion mirror....
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ans cont...
the soloist. 5?) steady on-beat rhythms 6) swung rhythms 7) layering of vocals 8) flanger effect on some words
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How many members where there?
Card 3
Name each member and say what they did (this isn't too important)
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