Edexcel- LEDC Case Study of flooding 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyWater and riversGCSEEdexcel Created by: amelia_dowseCreated on: 31-05-17 18:58 LEDC Case Study Bangladesh (1998 floods) 1 of 7 Natural Causes Monsoon season; large drainage basin; snow melt in Himalayas; deforestation causes more surface runoff; meet of rivers increases risk. 2 of 7 Location BAY OF BENGAL- River Ganges; River Meghna; River Brahmaputra. 3 of 7 Environmental Effects in 1998 60% of the country flooded; agricultural land and crops flooded or polluted; all main river channels flooded. 4 of 7 Social effects in 1998 Cut off from relatives and work but destroyed roads; Over 1000 killed; 30 million made homeless; job losses due to destruction in cities. 5 of 7 Economic impacts in 1998 900 6 of 7 How to reduce risk Cluster villages (raised 2m above seas level); raised homestead (raised individual homes); flood shelters (fit for 100 families with facilities); rescue boats; radios for flood warnings. 7 of 7
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