Edexcel 3B: Liberalism 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsGlobal issuesA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: clarealevCreated on: 03-04-14 12:56 Classical Liberalism is also known as Economic or neo-liberalism 1 of 18 Modern Liberalism is also known as Social Liberalism or Welfare Liberalism 2 of 18 Classical Liberalism dates back to the 18th Century 3 of 18 Modern Liberalism dates back to the mid 19th Century 4 of 18 Classical liberal philosophical priorities free-market economics 5 of 18 John Stuart Mill leans towards which liberalism strand? Modern 6 of 18 Liberals view human nature as rational but self-interested 7 of 18 What doctrine supports this: 'the rights and interests of every individual are of primary importance' individualism 8 of 18 What freedoms are rational individuals deserving of? economic, social and political 9 of 18 Liberalism product of what? the Enlightenment 10 of 18 Liberals believe humans are governed by reason and logic 11 of 18 Which doctrine: the belief that knowledge flows from reason and logic rather than from tradition, custom or faith Rationalism 12 of 18 Rationalism supports peaceful discussion 13 of 18 Individual freedom, representative democracy, tolerance and international peace and harmony are implications of which doctrine? Rationalism 14 of 18 Liberals believe individuals are Unique, yet of equal moral worth 15 of 18 Liberals believe in what equality Foundational equality 16 of 18 Which is a quotation from John Locke on the three natural rights "life, liberty and property" 17 of 18 Who said, "over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign" J.S. Mill 18 of 18
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