Edexcel Economics Unit 1
These are flashcards with the key terms and definition for Edexcel Economics Unit 1
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- Created by: T.Smith
- Created on: 06-12-12 19:18
Arises because there are insufficient resources to provide for everyones wants.
1 of 100
The Basic Economic Problem
Wants are infinite, resources are scarce
2 of 100
Opportunity Cost
The value of the next best alternative forgone.
3 of 100
Production Possibility Frontier - Shows the maximum potential level of output for two goods or services that an economy can achieve when all its resources are fully and efficiently employed.
4 of 100
Economic Goods
A consumable item that is useful to people but scarce in relation to its demand, so that human effort is required to obtain it.
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Free Goods
Abundant in supply and needs no conscious effort to obtain (e.g. air)
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Factors of Production
Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneurship
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When you concentrate on a specific job or task to increase efficiency
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Division of Labour
When workers concentrate on a specific job or task to increase productivity and efficiency
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An economic measure of output per unit of input
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Primary Sector
The production of raw materials (e.g. farming and mining)
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Secondary Sector
The manufacturing of the raw materials (e.g. factories)
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Tertiary Sector
The selling of these goods and services (e.g. retail and banking )
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Total satisfaction of consuming a good or service
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A party that has an interest in an enterprise or project. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers.
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Real Value
Value adjusted for inflation
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Nominal Value
Value not adjusted for inflation
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Positive Statement
Statement based on facts
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Normative Statement
Statement based on judgement/opinion
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Common Agricultural Policy - a system of European Union agricultural subsidies and programmes
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Free Market Economy
Decision on the allocation of resources are left with the price mechanism and there is NO government intervention.
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Mixed Economy
Decision on the allocation of resources are decided partly by the private sector and partly by the government
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Command Economy
All decisions on the allocation of resources are decided by the government - everyone works for the government
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The Law of Demand
The higher the price, the lower the demand.
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The Law of Supply
The higher the price, the more supplied.
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Consumer Surplus
The difference between what the consumers is willing to pay and how much they actually pay.
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Producer Surplus
The difference between how much a producer is willing to sell their good/service for and how much they actually sell it for.
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Market Mechanism
Demand and Supply
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Equilibrium Price
The point where supply equals demand
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Goods/services that go well together (e.g strawberries and cream)
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An alternative for a good/service (e.g. Coke and Pepsi)
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Competitive Demand
Substitutes have competitive demand
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Derived Demand
When goods are demanded only when they are needed for the production of other goods (e.g. steel to make cars)
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Joint Demand
The demand for two products are equal - complementary goods have joint demand
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Joint Supply
When two (or more) goods are produced together so that a change in supply of one will mean a change in supply in the other (e.g. Beef and leather)
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A situation in which the supply and demand for a good or service can vary significantly due to the price - follows the laws of demand and supply.
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An economic term used to describe the situation in which the supply and demand for a good are unaffected when the price of that good or service changes - it doesn't follow the law of demand and supply, price does not affect demand
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Price elasticity of demand
% change in quantity demanded / % change in price
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Income elasticity of demand
% change in quantity demanded / % change in income
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Cross Elasticity of Demand
% change in quantity demanded in good X / % change in price in another good Y - measures the proportionate response of the quantity demanded of one good to the proportionate change in price of another.
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Price elasticity of supply
% change in quantity supplied / % change in price
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Normal Good
A product which when income increase, demand increases (e.g. food)
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Inferior Good
A good which when demand falls when income rises (e.g. Public Transport) as people can afford better quality goods
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Giffen Good
A special type of inferior good that goes against the law of demand. For example; if the price of public transport/bread increases poor people will still buy it because they can't afford the alternative.
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Luxury Good
A good which demand increases as income increases (e.g. Coca-Cola)
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Veblen Good
A good which people pay ridiculous amounts of money for status value (e.g. diamonds)
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Speculative Good
When business buy a good with a low price with the expectation that the value of the good will increase in the future (e.g. housing )
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Quality Good
People assume that at the price is high, it is better quality. So although price increases, demand also increases (e.g. Waitrose over Tesco)
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Indirect Tax
A tax of your expenditure (e.g VAT and excise duties)
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Ad Valorem Tax
A percentage tax dependent on base price
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Direct tax
A tax you have no choice but to pay (e.g. Income tax)
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Specific/Unit Tax
Regardless of price/value of good that tax is fixed. It changes dependent on the amount or volume purchased.
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Grant given by the government to encourage production
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Incidence of Tax
Burden of tax. Both consumer and business pay part of tax
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When prices are high, demand for the product will be low meaning that there would be less resources to make the product.
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Signal as to what is happening in the market. Prices are low -> surplus, Prices are high -> high demand etc.
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Price makes you increase your demand
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Static efficiency
Exists at a point in time & focuses on how much output can be produced from the resources available -> How well you use your resources at a point in time
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Dynamic efficiency
Concerned with the productive efficiency of a firm over a period of time -> how well you use your resources over a period of time
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Allocative efficiency
Occurs when goods and services are distributed according to consumers preferences -> full use of resources
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Productive efficiency
Occurs when the maximum number goods and services are produced with a given amount of inputs -> maximum output per head
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Market Failure
When resources aren't allocated efficiently
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Private costs
Something that negatively affects a firm/business or individual (e.g Opportunity cost)
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Social costs
Something that negatively affects a society (e.g. Visual pollution)
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Private benefits
Revenue/profit -> benefit that the individual or business receives from a decision
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Social benefit
Benefit that the society receives from a decision (e.g. Infrastructure)
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Marginal cost/benefit
Cost/benefit of producing one more unit
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Welfare loss [triangle]
The loss of consumer plus producer surplus in imperfect markets (when compared with perfect competition).
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Rules (e.g. You have to be over 18 to buy alcohol)
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Positive externalities
Benefits of decision for third party or business/individual
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Negative externalities
Disadvantages of a decision
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Public good
A good that everyone benefits form. They are non-rivalrous and non-exclusive (e.g. Street Lighting)
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Merit good
A free good that is unprovided by the private sector and is associated with positive externalities (e.g. education and healthcare (NHS))
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Quasi Public Good
A good which may not posses perfectly the characteristics of being exclusive but is non-rivalrous (e.g. having to pay congestion charge)
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Free rider problem
A person or organisation that receives benefits that others have paid for, without making any contributions themselves (e.g people on benefits)
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Demerit good
Goods that provide large negative externalities. The government intervention to correct this market failure by placing taxes on these goods or persuading consumers via advertising (e.g. Cigarettes and alcohol)
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Geographical immobility
Inability to move form one location to another e.g. because of family, childcare, rent/housing prices
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Occupational immobility
Inability to move from one job to another (e.g. Lack of qualification/training)
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Structural Unemployment
When there is no demand for certain jobs (e.g. Coal mining, chimney sweeping)
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Asymmetric information
A situation where a buyer or seller has more information that the other party (e.g. food & antiques)
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Principal Agent Problem
The principals are consumers who uses the good/service. The agent is the buyer who makes the economic decisions. However, both principal and agent don't always have the same goals.
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Buffer Stock Scheme
Aims to stabilise prices and prevent producers going out of businesses. If there is surplus of the product, government buy and store stock (to reduce supply and keeps prices higher). If there is a shortage, government sell from its buffer stock.
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Government failure
This occurs when govt intervention to overcome market failure fails. Also govt intervention may make things worse.
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Public Choice Theory
Public choice theory is a branch of economics that developed from the study of taxation and public spending.
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Minimum Wage
The lowest amount that you can pay workers.
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Labour Force Survey
The number of people, of a working age, that are not working
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Claimant count
The number of people claiming benefits
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Symmetric information
Both buyers and sellers have potential access to the same information.
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Akerlof's model
Because of assymmetric information, sellers have to accept a lower price for their good/service (below equilibrium price) e.g. second hand cars
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Adverse selection
Assymmetric information causing exploitation (e.g. if a buyer has a risky lifestyle & the insurance company - seller - doesn't know this & is exploited, also seen with gas tariffs)
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Moral hazard
Buyers and sellers do not always act moral in the market (e.g. Fraudulent insurance claim)
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Inadequate information
Government doesn't have enough information to make decisions that affect the economy (e.g. modular GCSE's)
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Conflicting objectives
Opportunity cost in government's decisions (e.g. tax increase to invest is NHS but upsets people)
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Administrative costs
Cost of scheme is not covered by what we get back from it (e.g. member of EU & child support agency)
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Market distortions
Government intervention distorts the market (e.g. surplus, farmers over supply as they know that they are going to get a subsidy)
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Local Interests
Can be shown by local and central MP's (e.g. if local MP allows central MP's to build infrastructure, which may disappoint local residents)
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Favouring minorities
Where the government favour the minority to get the vote (the minority of people that vote) e.g. middle class
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Conflicting personal interests
When politicians act in their own interests instead of taking into account the interest of their constituency (e.g. Reality TV programmes)
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Government want to get the short term profit but will bring a negative impact in the long term
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Regulatory capture
Private businesses/monopolies need to be regulated by the government. However, regulatory capture is when the interests they set out to protect are ignored, if they regulate businesses too much will want to do business other country,govt less tax
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Wants are infinite, resources are scarce
The Basic Economic Problem
Card 3
The value of the next best alternative forgone.

Card 4
Production Possibility Frontier - Shows the maximum potential level of output for two goods or services that an economy can achieve when all its resources are fully and efficiently employed.

Card 5
A consumable item that is useful to people but scarce in relation to its demand, so that human effort is required to obtain it.

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