Edexcel Topic 5 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyDNA, genetics and evolutionA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Paul ScullyCreated on: 26-08-14 09:23 Viruses are _______ _____ surrounded by protein Nucleic acids 1 of 7 1st stage of PCR involves free ___________ Nucleotides 2 of 7 The temperature the DNA mixture is first heated to (in Celsius) Ninety-five 3 of 7 In gel electrophoresis, DNA moves towards the ________ electrode Positive 4 of 7 What enzyme kills bacteria by damaging their cell walls? Lysozyme 5 of 7 When infected with viruses, cells produce proteins called... Interferons 6 of 7 What happens 4-6 hours after death in the muscles? Rigor mortis 7 of 7
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