Edexcell Cold War Events Flashcards

Hi Guys.

The plan here is that I going to put the event on the front of the flashcard and the date on the back for each of the events of the Cold war in your Edexcell GCSE. I thought it would be helpful practice for narrative questions to try and organise events in Chronological order without looking at the dates and then checking afterwards.

It is important to point out that some of these will be more helpful and important than others.

I have briefly mention the Hungarian Uprising but I have made a whole other set of flashcards on the Hungarian Uprising and events before and after with all their dates and this could be found using this hyperlink:


Hope it helps :-)

  • Created by: AnneGill
  • Created on: 31-12-17 07:04
Tehran Conference
28th November - 1st December 1943
1 of 51
Yalta Conference
4th til 11th of February 1945
2 of 51
Germany Surrenders
8th and 9th May 1945
3 of 51
USA successfully tests it's first Atomic bomb
16th July 1945
4 of 51
Potsdams conference
17th July to the 2nd August 1945
5 of 51
The US drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Hiroshima 6th August 1945 Nagasakia 9th August 1945
6 of 51
Churchill delivers his Iron Curtain Speech
5th March 1946
7 of 51
Britain and the USA unite their zones in Germany and Berlin creating Brizonia
1 January 1947
8 of 51
Marshall Plan
Drafted on 5th June , 1947
9 of 51
Truman Doctrine
Announced to Congress on the 12th March 1947 and further developed on the 12th July 1948 when Truman pledged to contain communists threats in Greece and Turkey
10 of 51
Czechoslovakia becomes Communist
25th February 1948
11 of 51
France joins the British and American Bizonia which became called Trizone
1st June 1948
12 of 51
The Berlin Blockade and the Berlin airlift
Start date: 24 Jun 1948 and End Date : 12th May 1949
13 of 51
NATO was formed
4th April 1949
14 of 51
West Germany was formed. This was known as the Federal Republic of Germany and included France, USA and Britain
23rd May 1949
15 of 51
USSR tested their First Atomic Bomb (start of the arms race)
29 August 1949
16 of 51
NATO came into force
September 1949
17 of 51
Hungary had officially become the People’s Republic of Hungary with Rákosi at its helm (see more about Rakosi during Hungarian Uprising)
20 August 1949
18 of 51
US successfuly tests a hydrogen bomb
1st Novemebr 1952
19 of 51
Stalin dies
5th March 1953
20 of 51
Creation of the Warsaw Pact
4th May 1955
21 of 51
Geneva Summit between US President Eisenhower and Krushchev
18th July 1955
22 of 51
The Hungarian Uprising
October 1956
23 of 51
Sputnik is launched by the USSR
4th October 1957
24 of 51
Krushchev Berllin Ultimatum asking the Allies to leave Berlin with six months , accusn the allies of breaking the Potsdamm Agreement and suggesting Berlin should become a nuetral free city
10th November 1958
25 of 51
Fidel Castro took over Cuba from Batista and the USA cut off diplomatic relations with Cuba
1st Junuary 1959
26 of 51
The USSR shot down an America spy plane just 13 days before the planned Paris Summit between US President Eisenhower and Soviet leader Krushchev
1st may 1960
27 of 51
The Paris Summit failed beuase the Soviets had shot down an American spy plane 13 days before hand
14th May 1960
28 of 51
The failed US Bay of Pigs Invasion
17th- 19th April 1961
29 of 51
The Vienna Summit where krushchev renewned his six month request for the Western Powers to leave Berlin
3rd and 4th of June 1961
30 of 51
The building of the Berlin Wall
Starting on 3rd August 1961 and was destroyed on the 9th Novemebr 1989
31 of 51
Cuban misile Crisis
Start date: 16 Oct 1962 End date: 28 Oct 1962
32 of 51
Nuclear Test Ban treaty
5th Augest 1963
33 of 51
Prague Springs
Start date: 05 Jan 1968 End date: 21 Aug 1968
34 of 51
Soviet union invades Czechoslovakia
21st August 1968
35 of 51
Brezhnev Doctrine
August 1968- 1986
36 of 51
SALT 1 agreements signed
27th May 1972
37 of 51
Helsinki Accords
Agreed on the 1st August 1975
38 of 51
Communist Uprising in Afghanistan
27th-28th April 1978
39 of 51
Soviets invade Afghanistan to support Communist goverment
27th December 1979
40 of 51
The Carter Doctrine
23rd January 1980
41 of 51
The USA boycotted the Moscow Olympics
Summer of 1980
42 of 51
The USSR boycotts the LA Olympics
Summer of 1984
43 of 51
Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party
11th march 1985
44 of 51
The INF treaty
igned in Washington, D.C. by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev on 8 December 1987, it was ratified by the United States Senate on 27 May 1988 and came into force on 1 June of that year.
45 of 51
Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan
Start date: 15 May 1988 End date: 15 Feb 1989
46 of 51
Sinatra Doctrine and the withdrawl of Soviet Controll over satelite states
47 of 51
Hungary began dismantling its 240-kilometre (150 mi) long border fence with Austria
2 May 1989,
48 of 51
The Berlin Wall was torn down
9th November 1989
49 of 51
The Warsaw pact is dissolved
31st March 1981
50 of 51
The dissolution of the Soviet Union
26th December 1991
51 of 51

Other cards in this set

Card 2


4th til 11th of February 1945


Yalta Conference

Card 3


8th and 9th May 1945


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


16th July 1945


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


17th July to the 2nd August 1945


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards


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