Where a person values being part of a group, more than succeeding as an individual. Middle-class pupils oppose this and believes that people shouldn't be held back by other groups.
1 of 13
Compensatory education
A programme that helps to tackle the issue of cultural deprivation, by issuing out extra resources to schools and communities in deprived areas.
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Cultural deprivation
The idea that many working-class and black children are insufficiently socialised, and lack the culture needed for educational success.
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Deferred gratification
Postponing immediate rewards or pleasure, with the aim of receiving a greater reward at a later date. I.e. Staying in to revise rather than going out with friends.
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Economic and educational capital
The wealth and qualifications an individual holds.
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External factors
Factors outside schools and the education system, that affects class differences in educational achievement. I.e. Influences of the family and home backgrounds.
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Elaborated code
A speech code that has a wider vocabulary and has a basis of more grammatically complex sentences. Speech varies and the code is context-free. This code is often used by the middle class.
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This is where a person sees or judges things from a biased point of view, of one particular culture. I.e. National Curriculum - Teaches white history, literature and music.
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Immediate gratification
Seeking immediate rewards or pleasure now, rather than making sacrifices to get the rewards in the future.
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Internal factors
Factors within schools and the education system, that affects class differences in educational achievement. I.e. interactions between pupils and teachers.
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The process of attaching a name, definition or meaning to an individual or group.
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Material deprivation
The lack of basic resources/necessities i.e. housing, an sufficient diet, clothing or money to buy these things. The theory of material deprivation is often linked to working-class underachievement.
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Restricted code
A speech code that has a limited vocabulary and is predictable, as it's based on short, grammatically incorrect and unfinished sentences. It's often used by the working-class.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A programme that helps to tackle the issue of cultural deprivation, by issuing out extra resources to schools and communities in deprived areas.
Compensatory education
Card 3
The idea that many working-class and black children are insufficiently socialised, and lack the culture needed for educational success.
Card 4
Postponing immediate rewards or pleasure, with the aim of receiving a greater reward at a later date. I.e. Staying in to revise rather than going out with friends.
Card 5
The wealth and qualifications an individual holds.
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