a document refers to any written text e.g. diaries
1 of 11
What should you consider in a methods in context question
context of research , sensitivity of topic and participants
2 of 11
if the participants are parents what should be considered
that only certain parents are likely to take part
3 of 11
Scott 1990 stated 4 things should be considered in documents
1. Authenticity 2. Credibility 3. Reprsentiveness 4. Meaning
4 of 11
Name a disadvantage of structured interviews
investigator bias
5 of 11
Durkheim 2 functions
1. social solidarity and teaching specialist skills
6 of 11
explain secondary socialisation
the family use particular standards to judge a child , whereas schools use univeralistic standards.
7 of 11
Name the four stages of the hidden cirriculum
1. provides a workforce through obedience 2. teaches students to accept hierarchy 3. provides motivation through rewards 4. makes the student more manageable by providing a fragmented day
8 of 11
the 1944 education act introduced..
tripartite system
9 of 11
1965 introduced ...
the comprehensive schooling system
10 of 11
education refrom act 1988 aimed to increase standards of education by using the method...
marketisation of education
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What should you consider in a methods in context question
context of research , sensitivity of topic and participants
Card 3
if the participants are parents what should be considered
Card 4
Scott 1990 stated 4 things should be considered in documents
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