Education Crossword 4.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? SociologyEducationASWJEC Created by: Chloe HayterCreated on: 12-12-12 19:44 Who do Functionalists believe benefits from the education system? Society 1 of 9 Who do Maxists believe benefit from the education system? Bougeosie 2 of 9 Which theorist believed education was the bridge between family and adult roles? Parsons 3 of 9 What is the two words that mean education allocates people into the most appropriate job for their talents? Role Allocation 4 of 9 Which theorist challenged the functionalist approach and believed education has a hidden curriculum? Althusser 5 of 9 What is IQ + Effort = Reward ? Meritocracy 6 of 9 Meritocracy is a ....? Myth 7 of 9 Who was the founder of the functionalist view? Durkheim 8 of 9 What does ISA stand for? Ideological Stare Aparatus 9 of 9
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