Working Class pupils score lower on tests of ability due to the lack of their parents support on their Intellectual Development.
1 of 17
Bernstein & Douglas (1967)
Middle Class mothers are more likely to buy toys that encourage their child's thinking and reasoning skills.
2 of 17
Bereiter & Engelmann
Language used in Lower Class homes is deficient.
3 of 17
Two Speech Codes: 'Elaborated Code' & 'Restricted Code'.
4 of 17
Working Class parents are less ambitious and are less interested in their children's education.
5 of 17
Working Class pupils underachieve due to the lack of their parents achievement.
6 of 17
Working Class Subculture has four key features - 'Fatalism', 'Collectivism', 'Immediate Gratification', & 'Present-Time Orientation'.
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Working Class see themselves as not being able to get high-skilled, high-paid jobs so they see no point in education.
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Children from poor homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals. This results in more absences from school.
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Working Class children are at a higher rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders, which have a bad effect on their education.
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'Costs of Free Schooling' such as paying for equipment and school trips. Working Class children cannot afford to buy these things.
11 of 17
Cost of school items (transport, uniform, books, computers) place heavy burdens on poor families.
12 of 17
Children in poverty take on jobs such as baby sitting, cleaning and paper rounds which has a negative impact on their schoolwork.
13 of 17
Middle Class have Cultural Capital as they understand what the Education System requires for success.
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Leech and Campos
'Selection by Mortage' - Middle Class parents can afford to move house to a successful school's catchment area.
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Pupils who read complex fiction and watched serious TV documentaries developed a wider vocabulary and greater cultural knowledge, meaning they were more likely to be educationally successful.
16 of 17
Studied 14 London schools. Three types of parents: 'Privileged-Skilled Choosers', 'Disconnected Local Choosers', & 'Semi-Skilled Choosers'.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Bernstein & Douglas (1967)
Middle Class mothers are more likely to buy toys that encourage their child's thinking and reasoning skills.
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