Suggests that some Pearson GCSE papers are marked as far as Sydney and Iowa.
1 of 9
Privatisation: Molner (2005)
Cola-isation of schools - states that schools are targeted by private companies due to them being opportunities for product placement.
2 of 9
Marketisation: David (1993)
Marketised education is a parentocracy.
Argues that marketised education encourages diversity among schools and parental choice raises standards of education.
3 of 9
Marketisation: Ball and Whitty (1994, 1998)
Reproduction of inequality - League tables - cream skimming and silt-shifting.
- Funding formula - better schools: more funding.
4 of 9
Marketisation: Gerwitz (1995)
Parental choice - Middle-class parents advantaged by choice, economic and cultural capital.
5 of 9
Marketisation: Ball
Myth of parentocracy - Only appears to be choice-cultural capital determines the amount.
6 of 9
Government Policies: Coalition gov. 2010-2015
Wanted to encourage 'excellence, competition and innovation'.
7 of 9
Government Policies: Allen (2010)
Argues that research from Sweden shows that 20% are free schools, and only benefit highly educated families.
8 of 9
Government Policies: Ball (2010)
Permitting academies and free schools has led to both increased fragmentation and increased centralisation of control.
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Privatisation: Molner (2005)
Cola-isation of schools - states that schools are targeted by private companies due to them being opportunities for product placement.
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