The end of physical life. When the physical body ceases completely to function
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The term used to refer to life in heaven after death. Also, the phrase Jesus uses to describe a state of living as God intends which leads to this life in heaven
Eternal Life
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Those who have accepted God’s grace and forgiveness in this life will enjoy an external existence in God’s presence in the next life
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Those who through the exercise of their own free will ultimately reject God’s grace and forgiveness, will have chosen to live eternally outside of God’s presence
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At the end of our life, we will be faced with an ultimate choice to choose God or reject God. The decision we take leads to judgement and decides whether we “go” to Heaven or Hel
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The teaching authority of the Church, exercised by the bishops in communion with the Pope. The magisterium is given grace by the Holy Spirit to faithfully interpret the Scriptures and Tradition
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The raising of the body to life again after death. Christians believe that Jesus has already experienced resurrection and that all people will experience it at the end of time
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The eternal part of a human being given at conception which lives on after the death of the body. Also a name for a human being’s rational nature - their mind
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The belief that there are certain actions that are always right or always wrong. The belief that moral laws exist eternally and are not just human interventions
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Meaning "thanksgiving". The name Catholics use to describe the rite where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus and is recieved by the people. Also the name for the real presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Communion
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Literally means spreading the "good news" which we translate as Gospel. The sharing of the Gospel and life of Jesus with others
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The act of pardoning someone for the offences they have caused you. Overlooking a person's faults
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The consequences of a wrong decision and a penalty imposed by a person in authority on the person who has committed wrongdoing
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The belief that there is no moral law and that rules that govern what is right and wrong are human interventions and change from place to place and from age to age
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The belief that through Jesus' death and resurrection humanity has achieved the possibility of life forever with God
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Acting against the will or laws of God
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The term used to refer to life in heaven after death. Also, the phrase Jesus uses to describe a state of living as God intends which leads to this life in heaven
Eternal Life
Card 3
Those who have accepted God’s grace and forgiveness in this life will enjoy an external existence in God’s presence in the next life
Card 4
Those who through the exercise of their own free will ultimately reject God’s grace and forgiveness, will have chosen to live eternally outside of God’s presence
Card 5
At the end of our life, we will be faced with an ultimate choice to choose God or reject God. The decision we take leads to judgement and decides whether we “go” to Heaven or Hel
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