Edward & Mary

  • Created by: Fileonard
  • Created on: 14-10-18 16:05
Name of Edward's rebellions and what year?
Western and Kett's rebellion in 1549
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What was the cause of the western rebellion?
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How was the problem dealt with?
3,000 executed without trials
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What was the cause of the Kett's rebellion?
Enclosures and trade
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How was the problem dealt with?
3,000 rebels dead, Kett hung
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How many were involved in the kett's rebellion?
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How many people did the government have?
12,000 men and 1,000 mercenaries
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Name of Mary's rebellion
Wyatt rebellion
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What years did Mary's rebellion take place?
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How many rebels were involved?
2,500+ men
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How close to London did the Wyatt rebels get?
1/2 mile away from Mary in London
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What did Mary do to quell the rebellion?
Gave a speech in 1554 (uprising was in Kent)
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Causes of Mary's rebellion?
Relationship with Spain
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Who was Edward engaged to in 1543?
Mary Queen Of Scots (came to nothing)
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What did Somerset do after Henry's death?
Continue war with Scotland
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What happened to the engagement of 1543?
Mary queen of Scots became engaged to the dauphin
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What year did France declare war with Edward's England?
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What year was the Treaty of Boulogne?
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What did the Treaty of Boulogne entail?
Return of Boulogne, 400,00 crowns, England all troops out of Scotland, England and France at peace
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Trade ban with HRE?
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Why was there a trade ban with HRE?
HRE were burning protestants
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What year was HRE trade ban cancelled?
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Who else did Edward become betrothed to and in what year?
Elizabeth of France in 1551
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What happened in 1552?
War with HRE and France, Northumberland kept England neutral
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What event occurred in 1554?
Mary married Philip II of Spain
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What happened to the HRE in 1555?
Charles V abdicated = more land, power, money to Philip
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What happened in 1556 between HRE and France?
Treaty of Vaucelles
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When does Philip attack the Pope?
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When does Mary declare was with France?
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What embarrassment occurs in France in 1558?
Loss of Calais
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What book did Ronner and Gardiner object?
Book of Homilies 1547
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In 1547 what happened that made the church go more protestant?
1547 The Royal Injunctions
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What year saw the end to prayers for the death?
1547 - Chantries Act
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What year was the First prayer book released and what effect did it have?
1548 & written by Cranmer, VERY PROTESTANT
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In 1549 what act was very protestant?
The allowing of Clerical marriage
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In 1552 a second version of what was released?
The Second book of common prayer
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In the year before Edwards death what was submitted?
1552 - 42 Articles submitted never became law = Edward died
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In the year of Mary's accession who was arrested?
Prominent protestants like Cranmer, Hooper, Latimer
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1553 what was undone?
Edwardian reformation
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What did Mary do in 1553?
Gave up the supreme head of the church
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800 protestants fled by....
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In 1554 what act suppressed heresy and making married priests illegal?
Royal Injuctions
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What undid Henry VIII's changes?
1554 - Second Act of repeal
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When was the first protestant burnt?
1555, John Rogers, Biblical translator
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What prominent catholic was made Archbishop of Canterbury?
1555, Reginald Pole
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What happened to religious houses?
In 1557, restoration of small religious houses
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How many people were executed by 1558?
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Who did Edward and Northumberland attempt to leave the throne to?
Lady Jane Grey
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Who was Lady Jane Grey?
A prominent protestant, related to Edward
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the cause of the western rebellion?



Card 3


How was the problem dealt with?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the cause of the Kett's rebellion?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How was the problem dealt with?


Preview of the front of card 5
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