Unmarred at his succession, why did the King need to marry in genera;?
To produce a son who would secure the succession, continue the regime and ensure future stability
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Although, why was an heir not urgent?
Edward was still young and had 2 brothers living
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Why was there also no rush due to continental powers?
Edward was nto yet attractive to continental powers into which Kings of England customarily married
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What did Ross say was the best explanation for this marriage?
An impulsive love match
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What was another popular explanation at the time?
Edward married her only to obtain her favours,
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In terms of the accuracy of these explanations, what did Commynes state about Edward?
He had an excessive devotion to pleasure, leading to his loss of the throne in 1470
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In addition, how did Mancini describe Edward IV?
'He was licentious', pursuing the 'married an the unmarried'
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What have modern historians attempted to describe about the marriage and how convincing is this?
They have attempted to read a political motive into the marriage are very unconvincing
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What was this political motive for the marriage?
Edward needed to marry his widow to assert his independence of Warwick and the Nevilles
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Why was this marriage scarcely needed?
As a court party already begin formed before 1464, and the promotion of the Woodvilles added rather to its unpopularity than to its strength
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2) What were the consequences of this marriage?
2) What were the consequences of this marriage?
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How was the match seen by contmeporaries?
It was the opposite of approved- Henry's mother denounced it, the great council tried to annul it, Warwick and the nobility slandered it
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What is the general view of all subsequent historians about Edward Wydeville's marriage?
It was a gross personal and political error
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How did Ramsay describe the marriage for the nation?
As 'distasteful to the nation, and doubtly so to the NEvilles'
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How did Ross describe the marriage based on politics?
It was 'illadvised' and the first 'major blunder of his political career'
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How does Richmond describe the marriage based on her family?
Elizabeth and her large family quikcly became 'figures of hatred for the populace' and the elite
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Who questioned the traditional negative assessments of the Wydeville marriage in 1963, stating what?
Lander, -Her family's main rewards came from voluntary marriages to nobility, which was at no cost to the crown,
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However, who directly disagrees with Lander, stating what?
Hicks- Rewards such as Lord Treasurership, cannot be belittled, and the political cost of these marriage were high e.g. For Warwick's daughters
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In terms of Elizabeth's family, what did Elizaebth Grey bring to court, unlike a foreign princess?
Elizabeth Grey had many English relatives and many sisters to be married off to high nobility as royalty,
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Did this alienate the aristocracy?
Debated- It is worth noting other Yorkist noblemen had no worry about allowing their sons to marry the Queen's kinfolk, but for Warwick, it reduced the marriage market for his daughters,
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Why was Warwick particulrly against the marriage
As Warwick had been making preliminary marriage arrangements with Louis XI of France, for a marriage with his sister-in-law, Bona of Savoy- Embarressed he didn't know,
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What alliance did th Wydevilles favour which Warwick disagreed with?
While Warwick wanted an allaicne with France, the Wydevilles used their royal connections to push for an alliance with Burgundy
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What did contemporary sources show about this marriage?
They state it led to friction and the events of 1469-71
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What does Hall describe the marriage caused?
'What murder, what misery and what trouble'
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However, which source provides a different view, stating what was the reason for the events of 1469-71/
Crowland chronicle, -Foreign policy
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Unmarred at his succession, why did the King need to marry in genera;?
To produce a son who would secure the succession, continue the regime and ensure future stability
Card 3
Although, why was an heir not urgent?
Card 4
Why was there also no rush due to continental powers?
Card 5
What did Ross say was the best explanation for this marriage?
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