Edward VI 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryThe Triumph of Elizabeth: Britain, 1547-1603A2/A-levelAQA Created by: LCreated on: 21-01-14 13:49 When was the battle of Pinkie? September 1547 1 of 10 Somerset paid for the war by debasing the coinage; how much did this raise? £537,000 2 of 10 Somerset's style of government was... Autocratic 3 of 10 When was the Common Book of Prayer introduced? May 1549 4 of 10 In which year did the Western Rebellion and Ketts Rebellion take place? 1549 5 of 10 Where did Ketts Rebellion take place? East Anglia 6 of 10 In what year did Somerset fall from power? 1549 7 of 10 Northumberland assumed the role of... Lord President of the Council 8 of 10 The device to alter the succession aimed to put _______ on the throne... Lady Jane Grey 9 of 10 Edward VI died in which year? 1553 10 of 10
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