Efficiency - A2 Economics OCR
All the types of efficiency that are relevant to the A2 Transport exam.
P - price
MC - marginal cost
MR - marginal revenue
AC - average cost
AR - average revenue
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?- Created by: Jade
- Created on: 01-12-12 11:37
Other questions in this quiz
2. What is X inefficiency?
- X inefficiency occurs when there is little incentive for firms to want to be efficient.
- X inefficiency occurs when a firm uses more inputs than are necessary for a given level of output. Associated with lack of competition e.g. within a monopoly
- X inefficiency occurs when a market fails to deliver the amount of products and services most wanted by consumers
3. Allocative efficiency does not apply to which market structure?
- Monopolistic competition
- Monopolies
- Oligopoly
- Perfect competition
4. Which of these is NOT an example of X inefficiency?
- Adopt inefficient managerial practices
- Technical economies of scale
- Employ surplus labour
5. What is static efficiency?
- Static efficiency occurs in a single time period e.g. efficiency now
- Static efficiency occurs over time
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