Civil rights organisation in the north-National Urban League-pushed for integration in racist trade unions.
1 of 28
What was it like for African Americans?
Rents were higher, local stores charged more as many lacked access to cars, threat of police violence and intimidation.
2 of 28
What was the effect of the tv show 'The hate that hate produced'?
The effect was to terrify white viewers, the nation was introduced to Malcolm X.
3 of 28
What was the most important factor in the increase in awareness for injustices for black people?
The media
4 of 28
How many households owned a tv by 1955?
Almost half of all US households.
5 of 28
What was education like in the north and south?
De facto segregation in the north through economic inequalities.
De jure segregation in the south from jim crow laws and 1896 plessy v ferguson
6 of 28
What was the pivotal supreme court ruling of 1953/54?
Brown v Board of Education - NAACP Thurgood Marshall presented the case to the BoE, supreme court ruled in favour of Brown on 17 May 1954.
7 of 28
What did Eisenhower think of the Brown v Board ruling?
Said appointing Earl Warren as Justice Chief was the biggest mistake he had ever made.
8 of 28
Who retaliated the ruling?
White Citizens Council - 250,000 members by 1956
KKK - revitalised
101 Dixiecrats signed the 'Southern Manifesto' threatening to use 'all lawful means' to oppose the court's ruling.
9 of 28
When did the Central High School in Little Rock expect its first black students?
(Little Rock Crisis)
September 1957
10 of 28
What did the Governor Orval Faubus encourage?(Little Rock Crisis)
Opposition to the NAACP organised entry of the 'Little Rock Nine'.
11 of 28
What happened as a result of Faubus' tv appearance?
(Little Rock Crisis)
Protesters blocked the students and Faubus mobilised the national guard to turn the students away.
12 of 28
How did Eisenhower react?
(Little Rock Crisis)
Federalised the national guard and dispatched the 101st Airborne to protect the students.
13 of 28
What kind of treatment were the students subject to?
(Little Rock Crisis)
Threats, stabbings, throwing of acid, threat to burn them alive.
14 of 28
What did Faubus do the following year?
(Little Rock Crisis)
Closed all public schools - African- American students couldn't afford to attend private schools.
15 of 28
What was the boycott based on?
(Montgomery Bus Boycott)
Rosa Parks' arrest and a successful boycott in Louisiana in 1953.
16 of 28
Who was asked to lead the boycott?
(Montgomery Bus Boycott)
A new minister, Revd Martin Luther King, Jr.
17 of 28
How long did it last?
(Montgomery Bus Boycott)
381 days (originally supposed to be 1 day)
18 of 28
What did the boycott entail?
(Montgomery Bus Boycott)
Black citizens walked or shared cars rather than using the buses.
19 of 28
How much did it cost the company?
(Montgomery Bus Boycott)
80% of their costs per day
20 of 28
What did the supreme court case Browder v Gayle rule?
Bus segregation was unconstitutional under the 14th amendment.
21 of 28
What did the two civil rights legislation (1957+58)do that Eisenhower passed?
Aimed to increase black voter registration.
22 of 28
How many of Mississippi's black population were able to vote?
7000 out of 900,000
23 of 28
How was the 1957 bill undermined?
By Dixiecrats
24 of 28
How long did Strom Thurmond filibuster the first bill for?
24hrs and 18mins
25 of 28
How many more black voters in the south were added due to the first bill?
Only 3%
26 of 28
What was the impact of the second bill?
Very little-it was watered down and little was done to enforce it.
27 of 28
How many of the seven states in the Deep South did Eisenhower win?
1 - Louisiana
28 of 28
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was it like for African Americans?
Rents were higher, local stores charged more as many lacked access to cars, threat of police violence and intimidation.
Card 3
What was the effect of the tv show 'The hate that hate produced'?
Card 4
What was the most important factor in the increase in awareness for injustices for black people?
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