El colegio 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? SpanishWork and educationGCSEAQA Created by: BTomesCreated on: 15-05-13 22:20 La escuela = Primary school 1 of 70 Las instalaciones = Facilities 2 of 70 La sala de profesores = Staff room 3 of 70 El salón de actos = School hall 4 of 70 El taller = Work shop 5 of 70 Los vestuarios = Changing rooms 6 of 70 El despacho = Office 7 of 70 El alumno / El estudiante = Student 8 of 70 El apoyo = Support 9 of 70 Ausente = Absent 10 of 70 La ayuda = Help 11 of 70 El castigo = Punishment 12 of 70 El chicle = Gum 13 of 70 El comportamiento = Behaviour 14 of 70 La conducta = Behaviour 15 of 70 El consejo = Advice 16 of 70 El curso = An academic year 17 of 70 Los estudios = Studies 18 of 70 El éxito = Success 19 of 70 El fracaso = Failure 20 of 70 Insolente = Naughty 21 of 70 El intercambio = Exchange 22 of 70 La lección / La clase = Lesson 23 of 70 La libertad = Freedom 24 of 70 Mixto = Boys and girls 25 of 70 Masculino = Boys school 26 of 70 Femenino = Girls school 27 of 70 El nivel = Level 28 of 70 Obligatorio = Compulsory / obligatory 29 of 70 La intimidación / El acoso escolar = Bullying (like intimidation) 30 of 70 Las prácticas laborales = Work experience 31 of 70 La pregunta = Question 32 of 70 El recreo = Break 33 of 70 La hora de la comida = Lunch time 34 of 70 Las normas / Las reglas = Rules 35 of 70 Sobresaliente = Outstanding 36 of 70 El trimestre = Term 37 of 70 La carrera = Career 38 of 70 El boli / El bolígrafo = Pen 39 of 70 El cuaderno = Notebook 40 of 70 El estuche = Pencil case 41 of 70 Los lápices de colores = Colouring pencils 42 of 70 El lápiz = Pencil 43 of 70 La mochila = School bag (rucksack) 44 of 70 El libro = Book 45 of 70 La página = Page 46 of 70 La pizarra = White board 47 of 70 La prueba = Test 48 of 70 La regla = Ruler or rules 49 of 70 Las tijeras = Scissors 50 of 70 El sacapuntas = Pencil Sharpener 51 of 70 La carpeta = Folder (false friend) 52 of 70 El bachillerato = A levels 53 of 70 Los idiomas / Las lenguas = Languages 54 of 70 Aprobar = To pass 55 of 70 Suspender = To fail 56 of 70 Callarse = To be quiet 57 of 70 Empezar / comenzar = To start 58 of 70 Terminar = To end 59 of 70 Levantar la mano = Put up your hand 60 of 70 Pedir permiso = Ask permission 61 of 70 Charlar = To chat 62 of 70 Repasar = To revise 63 of 70 Preguntar = To ask 64 of 70 Contestar = To answer 65 of 70 Escribir = To write 66 of 70 Leer = To read 67 of 70 Escuchar = To listen 68 of 70 Leer = To read 69 of 70 Dibujar = To draw 70 of 70