el racismo 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? SpanishA2/A-levelAQA Created by: larryCreated on: 28-05-13 15:11 racism, racist el racismo, racista 1 of 24 xenophobia, xenophobe la xenofobia, el xenófobo 2 of 24 fear el miedo 3 of 24 equality, inequality la igualdad, la desigualdad 4 of 24 intolerance, intolerant la intolerancia, intolerante 5 of 24 extremist extremista 6 of 24 gang la pandilla, la banda, el colectivo 7 of 24 to attack atacar/asaltar 8 of 24 insults, to insult los insultos, insultar 9 of 24 behaviour el comportamiento 10 of 24 muslim musulmán 11 of 24 to stir up provocar 12 of 24 to unleash desatar 13 of 24 supporter of el partidario de/ la hincha de 14 of 24 prejudice, to be prejudiced el perjuicio, estar perjudicado 15 of 24 stereotype el estereotipo 16 of 24 discrimination la discriminación 17 of 24 to criticise criticar 18 of 24 antisemitism el antisemitismo 19 of 24 jewish judío 20 of 24 to threaten amenazar 21 of 24 of mixed race de raza mixta 22 of 24 human rights los derechos humanos 23 of 24 to condemn condenar 24 of 24