Fairly static, 4 part canon is quite loud and the bass part is loud to very loud. The live guitar is the only instrument that has reasonably regular dynamics.
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.What is the instrumentation like in Electric Counterpoint?
7 guitars, 2 bass guitars and one live guitar played by Pat Metheney.
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What is the texture like throughout Electric Counterpoint?
Before the second guitar enters the piece is monophonic but after then it is polyphonic.
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What is the modulation of Electric Counterpoint?
E minor in the A section and modulates to C minor in the B section.
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How could you describe the melody of Electric Counterpoint?
Layering, Note addition, Resultant melody.
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Describe the form and structure of Electric Counterpoint?
A-B-Coda and the B section is started by the modulation into C minor.
After a revision session on Steve Reich's 'Electric Counterpoint', see you can remember the important information by using these flash cards. You should be able to build on the information provided on the answer side of these cards with your own knowledge.