Electric Counterpoint

  • Created by: Adelaide
  • Created on: 23-04-13 22:04
Electric Counterpoint - What is the metre of the piece?
3/2 and 12/8 at some parts
1 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - Describe some features of the rhythm
Quaver-based, syncopation, cross-rhythms
2 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - What is the tempo?
Very fast
3 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - Do the dynamics change?
The live guitar is the only part that changes regularly
4 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - List the instruments used
7 recorded guitars (4 melodic, 3 chordal), 2 recorded bass guitars, 1 live guitar
5 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - Describe the texture
Monophonic at start, then polyphonic
6 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - What are the keys of the piece?
E minor and C minor (alternates)
7 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - Describe 3 features of the melody
Resultant melody, note addition, canon
8 of 9
Electric Counterpoint - What is the structure of the piece?
A - B - Coda
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Electric Counterpoint - Describe some features of the rhythm


Quaver-based, syncopation, cross-rhythms

Card 3


Electric Counterpoint - What is the tempo?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Electric Counterpoint - Do the dynamics change?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Electric Counterpoint - List the instruments used


Preview of the front of card 5
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