Electric Counterpoint

  • Created by: Ella
  • Created on: 21-05-13 12:39
Melody Electric Counterpoint
3 different ostinatos patterns, note addition, panning, multi-tracking
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Structure Electric Counterpoint
A, B, Coda
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Intrumentation Electric Counterpoint
1 live guitar, 7 acoustic guitars, 2 bass guitars
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Date of Electric Counterpoint
A, B, Coda
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Texture Electric Counterpoint
Polyphonic texture, Layered Texture constantly varied and builds up in layers.
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Tonality Electric Counterpoint
E minor, C minor, Reich uses Tonal Ambiguity at beginning
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Rhythm Electric Counterpoint
Syncopation, ostinatos, The same rhythms are repeated through most of the piece so there is little rhythmic variety.
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Tempo Electric Counterpoint
3/2, 12/8, one crotchet beat = 192.
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Harmonies Electric Counterpoint
Diatonic Harmonies
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Dynamics Electric Counterpoint
Crescendo (gradually getting louder) at the end, Constant dynamics in the rest of the piece, Parts fade out
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Extra info
The original guitar player was Pat Methany, • Electric Counterpoint has 3 movements (we are studying the third movement)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Structure Electric Counterpoint


A, B, Coda

Card 3


Intrumentation Electric Counterpoint


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Date of Electric Counterpoint


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Texture Electric Counterpoint


Preview of the front of card 5
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