Why did Elizabeth turned individuals who charmed her into courtiers. Why did she do that?
Charm and Mascuilinity were attibutes essential for courtiers. They impressed foreign visitors with feasts and dances, it was her political move to use such individuals to promote prestige and recognition.
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What was Cecil's role in Elizabeth's reign
He was her chief minister and was later made master of the court of wards and liveries in 1561 and then made lord treasurer in 1572
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Who were the four main ministers Elizabeth had
Cecil, Hatton, Walsingham, Dudley
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What were the pros of having nineteen privy council members
Little factional rivalry as they all shared similar attutudes and ambitions, no single minister had control of Government as seen in Henry VIII's reign with Wolsey
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What were the cons of having nineteen members of the privy council
Unrepresentative of the ruling elite which undermined its advisory purpose, too much of a cooperative body and no one could challenge her
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what were the functions of the privy council
oversee regional governments, give advice, pass laws and legisations, manage crown finance, enforce religious settlement of 1559
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What was parliament's function
Grant taxation, give advice, pass laws and acts (act of supremacy and uniformity 1559)
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Professor Neale argues that there was growing...
Conflict between crown and parliament
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Elton argues against Neale's point by saying...
There was little conflict with parliament, if there was it was to resolve issues not create conflict
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What evidence is there to support the argument that Elizabeth could not control parliament
1566- succession crisis. 1576- Peter Wentworth imprisoned for demanding more freedom of speech. 1601- issue with monopolies
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What evidence is there to argue against the idea that Elizabeth could not control parliamennt
She banished Liecester and Earl of Pembrooke from Court and publicaly rebuked members of her council
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was Cecil's role in Elizabeth's reign
He was her chief minister and was later made master of the court of wards and liveries in 1561 and then made lord treasurer in 1572
Card 3
Who were the four main ministers Elizabeth had
Card 4
What were the pros of having nineteen privy council members
Card 5
What were the cons of having nineteen members of the privy council
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