Embryology of the Abdominal Viscera

  • Created by: Becca
  • Created on: 28-12-13 17:56
What are the 3 major blood supplying branches to the developing embryo?
Coeliac trunk, superior mesenteric & inferior mesenteric
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What connects the foregut to the anterior abdominal wall?
Septum transversarium
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How is the early GI tract orientated? What suspends it?
Oriented longitudinally. Suspended by the large dorsal mesentery & a smaller ventral mesentery
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What happens to the stomach during development?
It rotates clockwise with more expansion on the left side so the stomach points to the right hand side
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What happens to the ventral mesentery? What does it develop into?
Ventral mesentery swings right to run along the lesser curve of the stomach & the top of the proximal duodenum. It then develops into the liver
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What happens to the dorsal mesentery? What does it develop into?
Dorsal mesentery swings left to run along the greater curve of the stomach & the underside of the proximal duodenum. This then develops into the spleen
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What happens as the liver grows?
Obliterates part of the peritoneum, produce pocket behind stomach -> lesser sac. Lesser omentum: peritoneum between the stomach & liver, ends at duodenum & creates an opening (epiploic/omental foramen) -> lesser sac, allows expansion of the stomach
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How do the bile duct, gall bladder & pancreas develop?
Bile duct: grows as diverticulum (blind ending tube) lined with endoderm. Gall bladder: buds out from bile duct, connects via cystic duct. Pancreas; outgrowths form pancreatic buds, brought together, forms 2 major parts (head/body & uncinate process)
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What happens during development of the midgut?
At week 6, midgut herniates out into umbilicus space & pushes out of anterior abdominal wall (omphalocele, transient herniation). After 4 weeks (week 10), midgut is pulled back (cranial part first) & rotates to give spiral arrangement
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What happens during development of the hindgut?
Opening (blind ending) called allantois comes out anterior side of hindgut, joins with cloaca which is closed off initially by cloacal membrane. Urorectal septum grows down towards cloaca & splits it into two halves (bladder & anal canal/rectum)
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What is the embryological origin of the hindgut?
Majority of the hindgut is lined by endoderm except for the posterior wall of the bladder which is lined by mesoderm, this region is called the trigone
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When is the development of the hindgut complete? What happens in this week?
Development completed by week 7. Urogenital & anal membranes (closing off the bladder and rectum respectively) eventually break
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What connects the foregut to the anterior abdominal wall?


Septum transversarium

Card 3


How is the early GI tract orientated? What suspends it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens to the stomach during development?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to the ventral mesentery? What does it develop into?


Preview of the front of card 5
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