A figure of speech in which a part is used to describe the whole of something. e.g. all hands on deck.
2 of 13
What is an anaphoric device?
Repeating the same word/phrase at the start of two or more stanzas.
3 of 13
What did Carl Keller say?
"Emily Dickinson is a great tease"
4 of 13
Who said "Dickinson's characters speak in their own disperate voices" ?
Fred White
5 of 13
Which poem is a typically good example of the gothic tradition and trying to scare the reader?
One need not be a Chamber- to be Haunted-
6 of 13
"Behind Me- dips Eternity-". Name the critics who see the poem as optimistic and pesimistic.
Optimistic- Judith Farre. Pesimistic- Richard Sewell
7 of 13
"The last night that she lived" is a poem about who?
Laura Dicky- a friend of the family who died in 1866.
8 of 13
Which poems have a theme of Nature?
"A Bird came down the Walk-", "A narrow Fellow in the Grass".
9 of 13
Which poems have a theme of Death?
"I felt a Funeral, in my Brain", "I heard a Fly buzz- when I died", "It was not Death, for I stood up", "Because I could not stop for Death-", "The last Night that She lived".
10 of 13
Which poems have a theme of Love?
"Going to Him! Happy letter!", "My Life had stood- a Loaded Gun-".
11 of 13
Which poems have a theme of Immortality?
"This World is not Conclusion", "Behind Me- dips Eternity-".
12 of 13
Which poems have a theme of Thoughts and Feelings?
"There's a certain Slant of light,", "After great pain, a formal feeling comes-", "One need not be a Chamber- to be Haunted-", "What mystery pervades a well!".
13 of 13
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a synechdoche?
A figure of speech in which a part is used to describe the whole of something. e.g. all hands on deck.
Card 3
What is an anaphoric device?
Card 4
What did Carl Keller say?
Card 5
Who said "Dickinson's characters speak in their own disperate voices" ?
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