Technology, war at sea, entry of the usa, collapse of Germany's allies and failed German spring offensive.
1 of 23
How many men from USA joined the front line per month?
250,000 from july 1918 onwards
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What does the joining of America do to German morale?
lowers it
3 of 23
How long was meusse Argonne fought for?
47 days
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When was the Hindenburg line destroyed?
September 1918
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What technology did the US bring with them?
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Why did the US become involved in the war?
Unrestricted submarine warfare.
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Who was the first central ally to collapse?
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Why does the collapse of Germany's allies lead to stalemate?
Germany dont have numerical support.
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What technology was used at Amiens to break the Hindenburg line?
machine guns, tanks, the RAF and artillery.
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At amiens how many miles of German land was lost and how many German prisoners were taken?
6 miles lost and 16,000 prisoners taken,
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Why did the war at sea contribute to the end of stalemate?
convoy system, unrestricted submarine warfare, naval blockade and the sailors at Kiel mutiny
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What was the convoy system?
American ships helped the British supply ships get across to France in convoy.
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What was unrestricted submarine warfare and when was it declared?
It was delcared by Germany in 1917. US boats coulde be targeted but they needed to continue to eport goods to GB. After tye sinking of Lusitania tensions had heightened.
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Who supported GB's naval blockade on Germany?
French, rusiians,japanese and the US
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How many German ships got through the blockade?
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What was the Kiel Mutiny?
When sailors refused to fght the Britsih navy and this lead to citizens joining demands for the end of the war.
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Why did Ludendorff rush into the Spring offensive?
because he wanted to attack before the US arrived.
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Why was this battle unsuccessful?
-inexperienced solides( most experienced ones had been killed in Operation Michael), morale was low due to an epidemic of Spanish flu(500,000 casultiues), exhaustion of German troups
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When did Ludendorff announce to the kaiser that war is lost?
29th September 1918
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why launch the spring offensive?
Germany was starving due to naval blockade, morale was low in germany, america wouldnt be in FRANCE AT THIS TIME.
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How was the spring offensive to work?
Large amounts of troups were to have a concentrated attack by leaving the hindenburg line. Germany would send their best troups which was a huge gamble.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How many men from USA joined the front line per month?
250,000 from july 1918 onwards
Card 3
What does the joining of America do to German morale?
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