endocrine system 1 0.0 / 5 ? Biologyendocrine systemUniversityNone Created by: anna888Created on: 07-12-22 17:35 overalll of endocrine systme glands which secrete hormones into blood 1 of 26 central endocrine glands hypothalumus, pineal gland and pitatury gland 2 of 26 periphal endocrine glands thyroid, parathyroid, pnacreas and andrenal 3 of 26 3 types of hormone steriod, amino acids and peptide 4 of 26 amino acid synth and attachment on rer and free 5 of 26 peptide synth and attachment rer and free 6 of 26 steriod and attachment ser and attached 7 of 26 hypothalmus and pituatry gland location and role in diencephalon, master regulator, hypothalums recieves message, send srealsing hormone to pituatry and then it realese hormone 8 of 26 how many anterior pituatry hormones 6 9 of 26 growth hormone (GH) uses and secreting factor intermediatry metabolism. GHRH hypthalmus 10 of 26 follicle stimulatory (FSH) uses and sf sperm production, ovary development, GnRH hypo 11 of 26 luteinzing (LH) usues and sf sex hormones and ovulation, GnRH hypo 12 of 26 prolactin (PRL) stimulates lactation, inhbitited by DA in hypo 13 of 26 thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stims tyhroid hormone secretion and growth of thryoid hormone, TRH, hypo 14 of 26 adrenocorticotopic (ACTH) stims cortsicoid sceretion and growth of adrenal cortec, CRH hypo 15 of 26 how many postierior pituatry hormones 2 16 of 26 vasoprssin uses ADH, homeostatsi and renal water reabsorbtion 17 of 26 oxytocin uses stims uterine ontcation in childbrith, stims milk ejection, ihbitied by DA 18 of 26 pineal gland -what secreted and uses melatonin, stims sleep and regualted circadian rythym, by MSH in suprachiasmtic nucleus 19 of 26 thyroid gland, types of cells and what they secrete follicluar- T3 and T4, parafollicluar- calcitonin. uses - metabolism, growth 20 of 26 adrenal gland what hormones secreted from where cortex- mineralcortiscoids,gluocortiscoids, sexhormones. medulla- catecholamines 21 of 26 mineralcortsicoids other name and uses aldosterone. balnace of na and k 22 of 26 glucocotsicoids other name and uses cortiscol, metanolism, stress and antiinfkammitory 23 of 26 sex hormones other name androgenic dhea, supplemnts other sex hormones 24 of 26 catecholamines other name and uses adrealine and nora adreline, fight or flight 25 of 26 pancreas, secrotory cells and whta they produced and regulated by islets of langerhans- beta is insulin, alpha is glucagon, delta is somasatin. regulated by blood glucose levels 26 of 26
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