First of all lipases breakdown triglycerides to removed FA tails until only g;ycerol is left. FA bound to albumin travel in the blood for FA b-oxiddation in cells to produce actyl coA for the TCA cycle. glycerol diffuses in blood stream to all tissue
1 of 7
Describe the metabolism of glycerol.
most tissues it is converted to pyruvate to enter the TCA, to glycerol aldehyde 3-phosphate then to pyruvate or in liver it is converted to Dihydroxyacetone phosphate then to glucose.
2 of 7
Describe activation of FA.
An intermediate fatty-acyl CoA is formed by addition of CoA making a thioester,
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How does this get into the mitochondria?
It can easily diffuse through the outer layer. carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 convertes FACOA and carnitine to FAcarntine and Coa. these can now transfer across inner membrane. transferase 2 then converts it back to original and carnitine go back
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even number FA b-oxidation
remove 2H, add water, remove 2H, add another coA to split, acetyl co A comes off.
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odd number FA b-oxidation
add another carbon and move bonds to make succinyl coA which can go into TCA cycle.
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Describe ketone body formation and why it happens.
When too much of acetyl CoA is formed for the TCA cycle, ketone bodies form. In the liver sent to blood as emergency fuel.
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Card 2
Describe the metabolism of glycerol.
most tissues it is converted to pyruvate to enter the TCA, to glycerol aldehyde 3-phosphate then to pyruvate or in liver it is converted to Dihydroxyacetone phosphate then to glucose.
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