Energy Security Case Studies - UK consumption 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyEnergy sources and securityA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: lauraking20Created on: 03-06-17 21:50 How much lower is UK domestic production than consumption? 25% 1 of 6 How much of the UK's total energy consumption goes to transport? 39% 2 of 6 What has happened to the UK's domestic reserves & what does this mean? Have all peaked - means it now has to import (more vulnerable) 3 of 6 Benefit of its location in terms of resources? Has some of the best wind, tidal and wave power in the world 4 of 6 Potential energy from the River Severn? 2nd highest tidal range in the world - barrage to hardness this power in the future? 5 of 6 What has happened to UK nuclear power plants? Decommissioned - all but one set to come by 2023 6 of 6
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