Energy and ecosytems

  • Created by: aquablue
  • Created on: 13-09-14 16:11
give ways in which energy is lost in a food chain
heat energy lost via respiration, energy lost via waste(faeces), energy lost in urine
1 of 7
Give reasons why not all energy is passed from a producer to a primary consumer
woody tissues and some roots which are not eaten, heat energy lost via digestion in the consumer, not all chemical energy is digested and absorbed by consumer (cellulose)
2 of 7
Give reasons why only about 3% of solar radiation enters a food chain
green light reflected off the surface of the leaf, some light missing leaves entirely, light energy passing through the plant and not trapped by chlorophyll molecules,
3 of 7
construct an equation involving Gross primary production, net primary production and respiration and give the units
NPP = GPP - R units = kJ m-2 year-1
4 of 7
why are enrgyy loses from mammals significantly greater than those of other organisms
they have to regulate their own body temperature therefore much more heat energy is lost via respiration
5 of 7
definition of detritivore
An animal which feeds on dead and waste matter
6 of 7
definition of detritus
dead and waste matter which is not eaten be consumers.
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give reasons why not all energy is passed from a producer to a primary consumer


woody tissues and some roots which are not eaten, heat energy lost via digestion in the consumer, not all chemical energy is digested and absorbed by consumer (cellulose)

Card 3


Give reasons why only about 3% of solar radiation enters a food chain


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Card 4


construct an equation involving Gross primary production, net primary production and respiration and give the units


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Card 5


why are enrgyy loses from mammals significantly greater than those of other organisms


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