Energy & Nutrient Requirements

  • Created by: Becca
  • Created on: 22-12-13 21:16
What does E.A.R & R.N.I stand for?
E.A.R = estimated average requirement, average i.e. if all have the same 1/2 underfed & 1/2 over. R.N.I = reference nutrient intake, meets or exceeds needs of 97.5% of a group
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What units are used to measure energy?
SI unit: joule (J) = energy used when a mass of 1kg is moved through 1m by a for 1 N. Non-SI unit: calorie (cal) = the heat liberated on combustion of 1g of pure benzoic acid
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How do you estimate energy requirements?
Predict basal (resting) energy expenditure. Multiply by activity factor (x1.3-1.5 for sedentary, x>1.7 for active)
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What is protein used for? What is the R.N.I? How do you determine protein requirements?
Growth & repair (highest relative requirement 0-5yrs). RNI = 0.8g protein/kg/day. Nitrogen balance (N2 intake vs. N2 excretion) used to determine requuirements: 1g N2 = 6.25g protein
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What are the major nutrients for growth? What are the specific protein requirements?
Major nutrients: energy, protein, calcium, iron, vit A. Protein requirements highest in 1st yr of life, increase again during adolescence (final growth spurt, peak bone mass)
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Why is adequate nutrition important in pregnancy? What is pregnancy weight for?
Need normal pelvic skeletal growth, dieting affects fetal growth, extra nutrient needs related to deposition of new tissues. 12kg weight gain: fat (4kg), products of conception (fetus/placenta/fluid, 4kg), maternal tissue (blood/uterus.breasts, 4kg)
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What are the nutritional requirements of iron & fatty acids (fish oils) in pregnancy?
No extra iron required if stores are adequate, n-3 fatty acids important in 3rd trimester for fetal neuronal development. Important to replenish stores after lactation
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Card 2


What units are used to measure energy?


SI unit: joule (J) = energy used when a mass of 1kg is moved through 1m by a for 1 N. Non-SI unit: calorie (cal) = the heat liberated on combustion of 1g of pure benzoic acid

Card 3


How do you estimate energy requirements?


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Card 4


What is protein used for? What is the R.N.I? How do you determine protein requirements?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the major nutrients for growth? What are the specific protein requirements?


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