Energy Security 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyEnergy sources and securityA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Eleanor SurteesCreated on: 25-04-13 14:36 3 main non-renewable energy sources Fossil Fuels 1 of 12 Australia's main energy source Uranium 2 of 12 Country with the largest Tar Sands Canada 3 of 12 2010 oil spill Deepwater Horizon 4 of 12 Flows of energy from producers to consumers Energy Pathway 5 of 12 Stakeholders in the global supply of energy Energy Player 6 of 12 Mutual energy relationship or dependence between countries/regions Interdependency 7 of 12 Oil trade block OPEC 8 of 12 The need or desire for energy Demand 9 of 12 Consequence of Greenhouse gases Global Warming 10 of 12 Energy harnessed from the movement of water Hydrological 11 of 12 Primary energy source future hardest to predict Oil 12 of 12
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