English Lang/Lit definitions

Not involving questions of right or wrong; without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral.
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relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral
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high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious.
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The straightforward meaning of a word or sentence
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Associations of words, for example; red has connotations of danger, love, and lust
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The suggested meaning
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A word or sentence with different interpretations
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A non-permanent piece of text
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The hero (PROPPS)
In every story there is a major character with whom the reader will normally associate most strongly and who is the key person around which the story is told.
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The helper (PROPPS)
The Hero is supported in his or her quest by a Helper, often a wise old man or magician, who appears at critical moments to provide support. Thus Obi Wan Kenobi appears to help Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, even after Kenobi's death.
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The villain (PROPPS)
The sharpest contrast against the hero is the villain, who struggles directly against the hero. This is the clearly bad-guy person such as Darth Vader in Star Wars or Professor Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes. The Villain typically is morally bad, highli
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The false hero (PROPPS)
A variant on the villain and a potential complication within the plot is the False Hero, who appears to act heroically and may even be initially mistaken for the real Hero.
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The donor (PROPPS)
The Donor is a person who gives the Hero something special, such as a magical weapon or some particular wisdom. They may typically be Gods, Oracles or Wise Persons, although they may also be as simple as gatekeepers.
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The dispatcher(PROPPS)
An early role in the story is that of the Dispatcher who sends the Hero on the mission. This may be a family member such as a mother or father. It can also be the Princess's Father, who gives the Hero a set of quests to be completed before he gains t
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The princess(PROPPS)
The Princess may take two forms. First, she may be the object which is deliberately sought by the Hero, perhaps finding where the Villain has taken her. Secondly, she may be the reward, such that after completing some other mission, he gains her affe
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The princess's father(PROPPS)
Finally, there is the Princess's Father, who constrains the Princess or who may Dispatch the Hero on his mission to save the Princess.
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relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral

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