Pick out short quotes, One Idea per line, Check you're actually answering the question, and your answer comes from the right section.
1 of 8
English Language Paper 1- Question 2
Write about three different areas in a extract, Remember: Terminology, A minimum of 3-4 quotes within the whole answer, You must refer to the effect on the reader, Demonstrate you understand the language and how it's being used.
2 of 8
English Language Paper 1- Question 3
Write how the way the text is 'Built' or 'Put Together' and the choices the writer makes. Discuss: The Narrative perspective, Tense, Use of Time, Chronology or sequence, Patterns.
3 of 8
English Language Paper 1- Question 4
Evaluate. Make sure you agree every time. Use Terminology, Connect the method, Use lots of mini quotations, Write in third person, Use connectives to link your ideas together, Develop ideas beyond a statement.
4 of 8
English Language Paper 2- Question 1
It's a True or False
5 of 8
English Language Paper 2- Question 2
Summarise. Identity at least two differences/similarities. Write a paragraph on each.
6 of 8
English Language Paper 2- Question 3
Underline the keywords in the question and draw a box around the section that you are focusing on. Pick at least 4 language features from the extract. MUST ANSWER THE QUESTION
7 of 8
English Language Paper 2- Question 4
Comparison. Make points about both writes' viewpoints, give evidence to prove this is their opinion, Identify the methods/devices the writer is using, Explain what this shows about the writer's view/intentions, Compare with the other source.
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
English Language Paper 1- Question 2
Write about three different areas in a extract, Remember: Terminology, A minimum of 3-4 quotes within the whole answer, You must refer to the effect on the reader, Demonstrate you understand the language and how it's being used.
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