English Language 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LanguageModeASAQA Created by: Alice99Created on: 02-05-16 19:05 Interactional Conversation Based on building a relationship 1 of 21 Transactional Conversation Looking to achieve something 2 of 21 Blended Mode When two terms are combined it is blended mode. e.g a website 3 of 21 Lexis Words 4 of 21 Lexeme Word 5 of 21 Asynchronous Communication where both or all participants do not need to be present at the time 6 of 21 Synchonous Communication where both participants need to be present at the same time. 7 of 21 Context This is the conditions that a text is produced or received in. e.g. time, planning, being unplanned 8 of 21 Genre This refers to the 'type' of text. e.g. book, speech, film, text message 9 of 21 Audience This is the readers (or receivers) of a text. They can be primary or intended or secondary 10 of 21 Purpose This is the reason a text is produced : to inform, entertain, persuade or advise 11 of 21 Mode This is the medium of communication - can be spoken, written or blended 12 of 21 Register The level of formality in a text 13 of 21 Multi - purpose text A text that clearly has more than one purpose, e.g. an advert 14 of 21 Primary Purpose The main purpose 15 of 21 Secondary Purpose An additional purpose which is usually more subtle 16 of 21 Implied Reader A constructed image of an idealised reader 17 of 21 Actual Reader Any person or groups of people who engage with and interpret a text 18 of 21 Implied Writer Constructed image of an idealised writer 19 of 21 Actual Writer The 'real' person or people responsible for the text production 20 of 21 Discourse Community A group of people with shared interests and belief systems who are likely to respond to texts in similar ways 21 of 21
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