Black Cockney became a symbol of resistance identity
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Chesire (2008)
MLE - Multicultural London English
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bare, beef, ting, innit - originated in London but spread to other areas, varies according to age and ethnicity
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MLE may be a reaction to a feeling of being discriminated against in life so adopted MLE as a means of establishing a social identity and diverging from others.
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Gary Ives (2014): London
Teens in S. London, asked about their lang use. Importantly, some of them were white British teenagers and yet they used lexis from a Jamaican origin. This language is about group identity regardless of ethnicity or cultural background.
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Gary Ives (2014): Bradford Asian English
95% Pakistani background: Suggested they spoke that way because of where they were born, music/rap, identity, exclusion (codeswitching)
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