(6 marks, 12 mins) 3 paragraphs. Refer to language and structure. Subject terminology. Connotations of quotes. Affect on reader. (Emotive language, Figurative language, metaphor, smilie, tricolon, juxaposistion, isocolon, diacope)
3 of 5
Question 4
(15 marks, 30 mins) 3-4 paragraphs. Overview of text. Features of language and structure. Quotation. How successfully it has been achieved. ('The writer: endeavours to, attempts to, manages to. 'successfully, effectively, cleverly, thoughtfully)
4 of 5
Question 5/6
(40 marks, 45 mins) Creative Writing. Plan first 10 mins. SPAG marks.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
(2 mark, 5 mins) use quotations.
Question 2
Card 3
(6 marks, 12 mins) 3 paragraphs. Refer to language and structure. Subject terminology. Connotations of quotes. Affect on reader. (Emotive language, Figurative language, metaphor, smilie, tricolon, juxaposistion, isocolon, diacope)
Card 4
(15 marks, 30 mins) 3-4 paragraphs. Overview of text. Features of language and structure. Quotation. How successfully it has been achieved. ('The writer: endeavours to, attempts to, manages to. 'successfully, effectively, cleverly, thoughtfully)
Card 5
(40 marks, 45 mins) Creative Writing. Plan first 10 mins. SPAG marks.
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