English lit

simon armitage wrote what poem?
1 of 76
what theme is the manhunt
2 of 76
main structure of stanzas in manhunt...
rhyming couplets
3 of 76
what is the poem manhunt about?
husband who comes back to his wife after war
4 of 76
where is this quote from; 'in hearts at peace under an english heaven'
the solider
5 of 76
where is this quote from; 'the smiles that win the tints that glow'
she walks in beauty
6 of 76
who wrote she walks in beauty?
lord byron
7 of 76
context of LORD BYRON
mad, bad and dangerous/ lavish lifestyle scandalous/ english romantic poet
8 of 76
what did Rita Dove write?
cozy apologia
9 of 76
what is cozy apologia about- facts of what was occurring at the time and her life
poem about her happiness with her husband, fred / written whilst hurricane floyd hit florida coastline (1993)
10 of 76
who wrote as imperceptibly as grief
emily dickinson
11 of 76
what is the main theme
nature / death / change
12 of 76
why are dashes used throughout the poem?
slow down like the thought of grief / process of grief
13 of 76
who wrote valentine
carol ann duffy
14 of 76
what is the main theme?
15 of 76
what is valentine about
a bad relationship / valentines day
16 of 76
what makes valentine controversial?
first poet laurette/ uses an onion = unconventional gift
17 of 76
what is this quote from; 'a quietness distilled'
as imperceptibly as grief
18 of 76
what quote from; 'i fill this stolen time with you'
cozy apologia
19 of 76
where from; 'the foetus of metal beneath his chest'
the manhunt
20 of 76
what quote;' its fierce kiss will stay on your lips'
21 of 76
what poem did seamus heaney write?
death of a naturalist
22 of 76
what is death of a naturalist about
childhood of heaney growing up with tadpoles
23 of 76
what theme (s) is death of a naturalist about?
24 of 76
who wrote hawk roosting
ted hughes
25 of 76
what is it about?
a hawk surveying the area
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what is the structure of hawk roosting
6 4 line stanza / regular rhyme / no pauses shows consistency always hunting and dislike of change
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what theme is hawk roosting
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where from; 'bubble gargled delicately'
death of a naturalist
29 of 76
where from; 'between my hooked head and hooked feet' and what language device
hawk roosting and assonance
30 of 76
who wrote to autumn
john keats
31 of 76
what is to autumn about
the change of summer to autumn
32 of 76
theme of to autumn
33 of 76
why is to autumn significant
because keats is dying; like summer
34 of 76
who wrote afternoons
philip larkin
35 of 76
what is it about
the drudgery of being a mother
36 of 76
where from;'while barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day'
to autumn
37 of 76
what did wilfred owen write
dulce et decorum est
38 of 76
what structure is it written in
iambic pentameter
39 of 76
where from; ' the wind is ruining their courting - places
40 of 76
where from; ' coughing like hags we cursed through sludge'
dulce et decorum est
41 of 76
who wrote ozymandias
percy bysshe shelley
42 of 76
what is it about
egyptian king statue
43 of 76
what structure is it written in
sonnet form - mocking great rulers
44 of 76
main theme
power / change
45 of 76
what poem did owen sheers write
mametz wood
46 of 76
where from; 'round the decay of that collosal wreck boundless and bare'
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structure of mametz wood
3 line stanzas and rhyming couplets
48 of 76
what is it about
farmers finding broken bones in their fields- battle of somme
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who wrote excerpt from the prelude
william wordsworth
50 of 76
what is it about
winter as a kid in lake district
51 of 76
what is the structure
no stanza no break
52 of 76
where from; 'and their jaws, those that have them, dropped open'
mametz wood
53 of 76
where from; ' and every ice crag twinkled like iron'
excerpt form the prelude
54 of 76
who wrote sonnet 43
elizabeth barret browning
55 of 76
what is sonnet 43 about (theme)
56 of 76
where from; 'i shall but love thee better after death'
sonnet 43
57 of 76
what poem did william blake write?
58 of 76
what is london about?
religion/ suffering
59 of 76
where from; ' in every cry of every man'
60 of 76
what poem did imtiaz dharker write?
living space
61 of 76
where from; ' the whole structure leans dangerously'
living space
62 of 76
what theme is living space
63 of 76
who wrote a wife in london
thomas hardy
64 of 76
where from; a messengers knock cracks smartly
a wife in london
65 of 76
what theme is a wife in london
66 of 76
who wrote a wife in london
thomas hardy
67 of 76
when was a wife in london set
during the boer war in south africa
68 of 76
who wrote afternoons
philip larkin
69 of 76
what theme is afternoons
70 of 76
what structure is afternoons
octave 8 line stanzas
71 of 76
where from; an estateful of washing
72 of 76
what poem is about the drudgery of being a mother
73 of 76
where from; ' every ice crag twinkled like iron'
excerpt from the prelude
74 of 76
'we hiss'd along the polish'd ice'
excerpt from the prelude
75 of 76
'the china plate of a shoulder blade'
mametz wood
76 of 76

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what theme is the manhunt



Card 3


main structure of stanzas in manhunt...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the poem manhunt about?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


where is this quote from; 'in hearts at peace under an english heaven'


Preview of the front of card 5
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