English lit: ozymandias

What poet wrote Ozymandias?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
1 of 13
Summarize the poem Ozymandias - a traveler tells the poet that two huge stone legs stand in the desert. near them on the sand lies a damaged stone head. he face shows a frown and a sneer which the sculptor carved as its features.
on the pedestal are inscribed the words"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my work, ye mighty, and despair!" around the stone stone pieces stretches the empty desert.
2 of 13
What type of poem is Ozymandias?
Sonnet (14 line sonnet)
3 of 13
What type of rhyme does Ozymandias have?
4 of 13
What feelings and attitudes are shown in Ozymandias?
Pride, Arrogance and Power
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Who was Ozymandias?
Ramesses II who was a Ancient Egypt ruler
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Shelley was a.....
'romantic' poet
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A quote to show Shelley frames the poem as a story
"I met a traveler from an antique land"
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"stand in the desert" suggests....
the setting creates an absence of life and vitality
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"sneer of cold command" shows....
the sculptor understood the arrogance of the ruler
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the ................ "lone and level"
....alliteration...... emphasizes the feeling of empty space in the surrounding desert.
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"king of kings" and "ye mighty" show.....
arrogance and power
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"the decay of colossal wreck" creates the idea that......
the ruined statue shows how human achievements are insignificant compared to the passing of time
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Card 2


on the pedestal are inscribed the words"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my work, ye mighty, and despair!" around the stone stone pieces stretches the empty desert.


Summarize the poem Ozymandias - a traveler tells the poet that two huge stone legs stand in the desert. near them on the sand lies a damaged stone head. he face shows a frown and a sneer which the sculptor carved as its features.

Card 3


Sonnet (14 line sonnet)


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Card 4




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Card 5


Pride, Arrogance and Power


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