English Lit - Useful Terminology

  • Created by: Chlo123
  • Created on: 16-04-17 16:03

1. Verisimilitude is...

  • Where a text has a sense of truthfulness and realism. Proper nouns can achieve this. 'AK47's and RPGs were firing none stop.'
  • The purification or purging of emotions, especially pity or fear, through art. Some literary forms act as a release for the author or audience of these emotions.
  • The sense of anti-climax created when a literary work drops from an elevated or serious level to the more absurd or ridiculous.
  • where the writer uses techniques that appeal to the reader's audience's emotions, often arousing pity for a character.
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2. When a narrative is told through letters it is...

  • Epistolary
  • Analepsis
  • Prolepsis
  • Bildungsroman

3. Pathos is...

  • The purification or purging of emotions, especially pity or fear, through art. Some literary forms act as a release for the author or audience of these emotions.
  • Where a text has a sense of truthfulness and realism. Proper nouns can achieve this. 'AK47's and RPGs were firing none stop.'
  • where the writer uses techniques that appeal to the reader's audience's emotions, often arousing pity for a character.
  • The sense of anti-climax created when a literary work drops from an elevated or serious level to the more absurd or ridiculous.

4. What kind of imagery is 'Gustatory imagery'?

  • Imagery that describes sounds
  • Imagery that describes textures
  • Imagery that describes flavours
  • Imagery associated with the body

5. What is and 'Eye rhyme'?

  • Rhyming words describing the eye.
  • Words that look like they should rhyme but don't. I.e- Move and Love
  • Words that rhyme using visual imagery.
  • Rhyming couplet from the point of view of the persona, separate to the main body of the poem.


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