English Literature - Animal Farm 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? English LiteratureAnimal FarmGCSEEdexcel Created by: kimmurdoch8Created on: 04-05-16 19:07 What is the name of the farm before the animals rename it Animal Farm? Manor Farm 1 of 27 What is the name of the farmer at who runs Manor Farm? Mr Jones 2 of 27 Which animals are first to enter the barn to listen to Old Major? The pigs and the dogs 3 of 27 What animal is Old Major? Middle White Boar 4 of 27 What animal is Boxer? Horse 5 of 27 How many commandments to the animals establish? Seven 6 of 27 Where are the commandments written? On the wall of the barn 7 of 27 What items to the pigs take for themselves? Milk and apples 8 of 27 What do the animals name the battle in Chapter Four? Battle of the Cowshed 9 of 27 Which animal hides during the Battle? Mollie 10 of 27 Who reads the commandments to Clover when she thinks she forgets them? Muriel 11 of 27 What animal is Muriel? Goat 12 of 27 What does Snowball want to build on the farm? A windmill 13 of 27 What destroys the windmill in Chapter 6? A storm 14 of 27 Who is Mr Whymper? Napoleon's solicitor 15 of 27 Why do the hens rebel? Their eggs are being taken 16 of 27 How many pigs are executed in Chapter 7? Four 17 of 27 Who does Napoleon sell some timber to? Mr Frederick 18 of 27 Why does Napoleon pass the death sentence upon Mr Frederick? He buys the timber with forged bank notes 19 of 27 What is the Battle in Chapter 8 named? Battle of the Windmill 20 of 27 What is Boxer's eventual fate? He is sold to the knackers by the pigs 21 of 27 Who returns to the farm? Moses 22 of 27 Who sees the pigs walking on their hind legs and Napoleon carrying a whip? Clover 23 of 27 Who do the animals invite to dinner? The farmers 24 of 27 What historical event is this book based on? Russian Revolution 25 of 27 Which Russian leader is Napoleon based on? Stalin 26 of 27 Which Russian leader is Snowball based on? Trotsky 27 of 27
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