English Literature- Exposure 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureAQA AnthologyGCSEAQA Created by: 13clarkenCreated on: 11-03-18 14:58 Written by one of the most famous war poets Wilfred Owen 1 of 10 Exposure was based on the what Conditions 2 of 10 The enemy is not their only enemy, what else is? nature 3 of 10 One main theme Anger 4 of 10 Another main theme Power of Nature 5 of 10 "Worried by silence, sentries ... nervous"- syballance whisper curious 6 of 10 "Dawn massing in the east, her ..." melancholy army 7 of 10 "Sudden successive flights of ... the silence"-syballance bullets streak 8 of 10 "With sidelong ... that flock"-fricative sound flowing flakes 9 of 10 "Shrivelling many hands, ... crisp" puckering foreheads 10 of 10
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