English Literature- Skirrid Hill Context

Which poems could go under the heading 'cultural context'?
Flag, Late Spring, The Farrier, Landmark, Y Gaer, Hill Fort, The Fishmonger and The Singing Men
1 of 13
Finish the quotation from Sheers 'I feel that all my poetry, as I am in a way, is derived from the Welsh...
by which I mean it is written specifically out of Welsh sentiment'
2 of 13
What reason made him choose the title?
The spiritual association with the hill- it 'was the embodiment of how poetry works'
3 of 13
Which poems could go under the heading 'modern relationships'?
Show, Amazon, The Wake, Night Windows, 4 Movements, Marking Time, Valentine, Calendar and Song
4 of 13
Which poems could go under 'personal context'?
Marking Time, Service, On Going, Mametz Wood, Drinking with Hitler, Inheritance and Joseph Jones
5 of 13
What direct context is there to 'Mametz Wood'?
Sheers' was in France visiting the area and he read a newspaper article about these skeletons being found
6 of 13
Which poems could go under 'political context'?
Y Gaer, Drinking with Hitler, Hill Fort, L.A.Evening, The Singing Men, Show, Intermission, Stitch in Time and Under the Superstitious Mountains
7 of 13
What direct example is there of political context that is relevant to the collection?
A divided nation; the north- south, not just apparent in house prices, or literature'
8 of 13
Which poems could go under the heading 'historical/social' context?
Y Gaer, Hill Fort, Happy Accidents, Mametz Wood and Amazon
9 of 13
What is an example of historical/social context relevant to the collection?
Britain emerged from WW2 in debt to Americas, rebuilding these cities in England would take years and money
10 of 13
Which poems would go under the heading 'literary context/ inspiration'?
Shadow Man, Inheritance, The Wake, Trees, Calendar and Steelworks
11 of 13
What is the volume sometimes referred too as?
'A gorgeously elagic volume'
12 of 13
What does the quotation from T.S.Elliot as the preface reflect?
His own awareness of the changes that have taken place in his poetry in the last 5 years
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Finish the quotation from Sheers 'I feel that all my poetry, as I am in a way, is derived from the Welsh...


by which I mean it is written specifically out of Welsh sentiment'

Card 3


What reason made him choose the title?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which poems could go under the heading 'modern relationships'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which poems could go under 'personal context'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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